Conlibe: Political Blog for TRUTH in Politics.

Liberal Opinion Blog. Boston, Massachusetts. Political Democrat, Independent. Debunk Republican Lies, Misinformation

Archive for Race

Mirrors and Smoke?

WHAT is WRONG with us? With America? With THE WORLD?

Today, getting off the train at a stop in Boston…an older white male saw only ONE THING: Black skin — and decided I was an immigrant. (FAMILY COULD HAVE BEEN SLAVING IN THE COTTON FIELDS LONG BEFORE HIS PEOPLE CAME VIA ELLIS ISLAND or later) but my black skin automatically makes me an immigrant…as opposed to the blonde Australian who just got in yesterday. 

So, Mr. Trump supporter told me that I would be thrown out of the country…and HE was going to call ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) for me.

Normally, I ignore such ignorance, but I decided “Hell NO!”  I was not passing meekly by.

Orange Line Boston Subway

So I turned around, walked up to him and told him: I can give him my phone number to pass on to ICE, if he’d like. He said NO, but he will call ICE on me.  I told him he can USE my phone to call ICE and make it easier for them to find me. He said NO. But they will come for me. I told him (Trump) will at most remain in office for 8-years – and WHAT THEN?  He said a lot can happen in 8-years (which of course IS their Grand Plan, to become a Totalitarian State with a muzzled media, no press conferences, no accountability, a King-Emperor/Pope that everyone must bow down to. Is Trump 666?)!

I told the guy – after 8-years, it is WE who will come for HIM, because that is the process they are starting!

Other groups of white people were shocked and supportive. The thing about white people…(with the EXCEPTION of KKK and White Supremacists) they/you hear about stuff like that happening, but FEW of them/you actually experience it or see it happen – so when they/you do, they/you are shocked! We expect that to happen ELSEWHERE, IN RED states…not HERE in Boston/Massachusetts.

So I called my U.S. Representative, Stephen Lynch; I called the Transit Police, I called a news channel and I have to call both the mayor and governor’s offices. Because unless “victims” SPEAK OUT and onlookers SPEAK UP,  perpetrators will feel that they can be venomous with impunity.

Welcome to the new atmosphere of Venom in Trump’s Reality Show called: America!

Make America White Again

Chlorox stock must have gone UP after Trump won?

I understand that many of Trump’s supporters are D-students…with even lower intellects, and CANNOT grasp the intricacies of globalization and historical context, but surely they KNOW enough about the Tutsi/Hutu conflict in Rwanda, about Bosnia, about South African Apatheid, about Nazi Germany (oops, wrong analogy for this bunch), Catholics/protestants in Northern Ireland, Christians/Muslims/Jews/Hindus from Israel/Palestine to Egypt and India, either persecuting or being persecuted plus numerous other hate-fuelled conflicts worldwide – to KNOW that these types of conflicts have NO happy endings? Or DO they know?  

It is NOT in either white, black or grey interests to stoke division and unity based on ideology, race or religion. There are NO winners, ONLY losers! This is NOT what Americans should want…but hey, go ahead. We’re heading the way of Rome so maybe it is inevitable…a matrix…without a leo. (reference to movie: The matrix). With Trump: always deja vu all over again! Or is it a perpetual Groundhog’s Day?

We are destroying our environment to the point that one day, life on earth may no longer BE sustainable – and/or we may end up living in a kind of Hunger Games scenario where only billionaires like the Trumps can afford oxygen.

Opioid crisis

We are destroying the fabric of this society with our dependence on drugs, from prescription to recreation. Drug use is now SO prevalent among employees nationwide the percentage of people testing positive for drug use ON THE JOB is rising – to the point, where immigrants/refugees from Syria, etc…are being hired to do the jobs.

According to a CNN expose, 80% of employees at an oil and trucking company in Colorado tested positive for drugs (marijuana is legal, but smoking it on the job is cause for dismissal) and had to be fired! In Louisville, Kentucky: 695 overdose calls to EMT in January 2017, an average of about 22 PER DAY. (CNN)

We are angry at each other for the sins of politicians whom we revere – but who DO NOT love us back! So if Trump shoots a person on 5th Avenue, THAT is ok, especially if it’s a black person or an immigrant. If Hillary Clinton sneezes on anybody, she is a monster who is trying to infect the world with influenza! And this hypocrisy cuts BOTH ways,! BOTH parties are equally at fault!

While politicians bask under 100-percent health coverage for themselves and possibly their dogs, too… we, like the dumbasses we are, operate like programmed robots…”repeal Obamacare”… leave me uncovered, no matter if my wife/daughter/sister/mother/BROTHER gets raped and the insurance company calls that a pre-existing condition. DON’T CARE! Don’t want Obamacare! These bots DON’T even KNOW why they don’t want it – but their politicians, who all HAVE GOVERNMENT funded healthcare tells them: “you should NOT have government funded health care”…so they’re following the Pied Piper! Why don’t you ask your congressional delegations to give up THEIR government funded healthcare?!


  • (Ro)Bots don’t have jobs, but they vote for someone who cuts jobs and makes HIS products overseas. You want a PATRIOTIC company; how about MacNeil Automotive Products – MADE IN AMERICA, with pride. Do you see the company execs on TV blowing hot air? No. Actions don’t need words – they speak for themselves!
  • Bots don’t have a home or they’re losing the one they have, so they vote for someone who has gold plated walls, gold-plated toilet seats and gold-plated dishes. Guess if you’re broke, he will scrape off some the edgeS of his toilet seat and give it to you to pawn!
  • Bots can’t afford to fly, probably never stepped on a plane – but vote for someone with (according to lying New York Times) helicopters (plural) and several airplanes (see photos below), including a gas-guzzling private Boeing 757 that seats about 200 people and uses more money in fuel (thousands of dollars an hour) than bots made in 10-years!
  • Bots vote for Trump who cut funding for drug treatment – while their community is being ravaged by drugs…but what does THAT matter, if he’s deporting immigrants. See ALL those immigrants who are leaving and taking the meth with them? You’re good now…

Bots are so fuelled by hate, they can’t see the forest for the trees until the Zika virus comes to bite them in the behind, then it will be the fault of immigrants.

Can’t understand why there are so many devastating tornadoes, floods and droughts? immigrants!

Why that nuclear facility tunnel collapsed in Washington State? Immigrants.

Why bots don’t have a college degree? Immigrants!

If we CANNOT see that there is SOMETHING wrong with the current political climate; if we cannot SEE that this White House is a chaotic super-mess; if we cannot see that THIS dysfunction is NOT what America should be presenting to the world – if we cannot see that a republican president like a Mitt Romney or a Paul Ryan even, would act with DIGNITY reflecting the office of President of the United States; if we are so BLINDED by ideology that we can no longer see, acknowledge and speak the TRUTH, regardless of how it looks for our side, then welcome to the great decline. NO Supreme court Judge is worth THIS! Beware you get a  judge and lose BOTH a president and a party!

Because Democrats will gain power and UNDO everything that Trump/republicans do now…Republicans will return and re-undo – and fiddle, fiddle…

Americans? Americans…do you hear me? Republicans, Democrats and Independents…

  • Do you want clean air?
  • Do you want clean water, no lead, no contaminants?
  • Do want good paying jobs?
  • Do you want safe streets, neighborhoods?
  • Do you want good schools?
  • Do you want to reduce, pay down the National Debt?
  • Do you want a strong, technologically capable military?
  • Do you want healthcare that covers PRE-EXISTING conditions?
  • Do you want to drive on a bridge that will not fall into the Water? Airplanes that terrorist don’t blown up?
  • Do we want an America that is free of terror threats?
  • An America that is FREE?
Taken by Adrian AdrandeSubmitted by Dominic Maldonado

2013 Brige Collapse. Seattle, Washington

Are there going to be TWO different sets of air? The clean red air for republicans to breath, while the democrat sitting next to him at the ball game is breathing polluted blue air?

Are there going to be TWO different levels of airlines?  Republican Air with its RED logo that terrorism akeep targetting and blue Democrat Air, with its Donkey logo, that terrorists send valentines to?

ARE WE NOT JUST DUMB ASSES — ALL? What the HELL is the fighting for?

Oh France, France – what are your people drinking to make you so politically savvy, while we over here are acting like functional illiterates? If it is the wine – I don’t drink, but it might be time now for me to go out and get roaring drunk!

PS: Trump’s veiled “threat” to Comey is NO  bluff.

I believe Trump tried and TRIED to get Comey to say he (Comey) would be “LOYAL” so HE (Trump) could get Comey ON TAPE and compromize him. If Comey, a SEASONED veteran, did not go to the Oval Office, in this climate of Trump, without HIS OWN MIKE and a gadget that would sweep for listening devices and hidden recorders…then he DAMN well NEEDED TO BE FIRED.

James Comey.jpg

Wonder if HE will guess I’m checking for recordings??? 

Here’s what I think:…for what it’s worth: Trump is like the Wizard of Oz. And now we are getting a peek behind the curtain…

All that facade about savvy businessman and deal maker…blah! (Romney, others KNEW.) Trump is just the public face of the Trump empire, the spokesperson. His kids, namely Ivanka, is/are running the show. After his dramatic bankruptcies, nearly running the company into the ground, I suspect Donald became a figurehead. The public was lulled into a myth about Trump and now that’s being exposed!

I also believe Mr. Trump is regretting becoming President…because with his inability to earlier grasp the scope of the Presidency, HE thought it would be as easy as his Wizardry of Oz, but being President is NOT mirors and magic…so he is out of his depth, because his kids CANNOT save him in this setting…though they are trying, moving to the oval office, purging the insane people or keeping them at arms length…but HE is Donald Trump! Unruly, out of control…

Notice how his wife, who knows him best of all, is keeping a low profile. She knows. If only Mrs. Trump would write a Kiss-and-Tell?


So, Donald Trump is slowly sabotaging his own presidency. And you can watch it unravelling. Sad. If only he would hire some excellent republicans (or democrats/people) with the skills needed to salvage this ship, like a Carl Rove (whom I detest, by the way, but he’s good at what he does!).

But Donald WILL NOT tolerate anyone who so much as watches him cross-eyed…so here we are.

Who in their right mind will CHALLENGE the FBI when the agency is investigating you, especially after you called them names, like Nazis?

OK, President Trump. May I remind you that Comey is not Rosie O’Donnell?  HE knows what’s in your tax returns…

And please, PLEASE Mr. President, I know nobody around you can tell you to STOP talking…but I’m not around you. For heaven’s sake: STOP TALKING! STOP TWEETING. STOP watching TV.  

Just STOP!

Head for the gym. Go biking. Golf! Jeez!

Photo Op Health Care 2017

Yep! This Photo Op! See you later, alligator.  The President craves “loyalty” even at your expense.

Republicans, it is ON your heads…if (when?) this trainwreck unravells. All it will take is replaying that photo op in the Rose Garden to “celebrate” a bill that’s going nowhere. Heard of the Bridge to Nowhere? This is the Healthcare BILL to Nowhere!

Take a page oput of the Utah Representative Jason Chaffetz playboook: GET OUT NOW, WHILE THE GOING IS STILL GOOD! Remember I warned you…while you can still smell sweet.

All photos from Google Images, unless otherwise stated…

Why – Mr. Soros?

Soros home

One of billionaire George Soros’s many homes. New York state.

The modern-day left-wing RADICALS who protest against the people who live in mansions like these…take money from people who live in mansions like these!

So, you want to PROTEST Trump? And…?

Are you going to make us aware of something about Trump WE DON’T ALREADY KNOW? WHAT IS your point? (Apart from exercising your democratic right to protest, to gather, to speak — which, incidentally, you try to DENY to others.)

Do you have some shocking EXPOSE about Trump? For example: is Trump really Satan in disguise — OR Hitler OR Elvis? Or even Tupac?

Trump protest

IF you are going to proclaim that Trump is misogynistic, bombastic, racist, imperialist, narcissistic, unrealistic, an attention-getter, race-baiter, not to mention jet-setter…WE KNOW!!!

We TRULY don’t NEED you to point out Mr. Trump’s flaws. Those of us who’ve been following the Primaries, debates and Caucuses, news and talk-shows…we KNOW. Even people who are NOT following just know – it’s blowing in the wind! CAN’t miss it!

We’re unlikely to see a placard at your protest and go: “Oooohh – No Wall!” So, you want to occupy the Capitol and will “demand that Congress listen to the People and take immediate action to save our democracy. And we won’t leave until they do or until they send thousands of us to jail.”

Bring paper to write your last will and testament – or enough money for bail. Plan to say there until you die! Or someone sells something on eBay to raise money to bail you…

Sessions - Trump

Sessions (yellow tie) and Trump

Mitch McConnell


I don’t see Mitch McConnell or Jeff Sessions granting any concessions to you…that they won’t give to President Obama. Or maybe they’ll turn tail and run….who knows?

Now why would thousands of you want to go to jail to make Congress LISTEN to you. How stupid is that? There is a much EASIER WAY to make Congress listen to you. It’s called an Election and it’s coming up in November. If you VOTE in the same masses that you are protesting with – then the political landscape will change…and Congress will listen.

Sending “thousands” of you to jail means building MORE jails which you oppose! Don’t BE silly…well, I know it’s HARD, but, really – DON’T be silly! Try!!! 

Trump rally.jpg

We want MORE of this???

Trump rally protestsMaybe, you will cause a riot and Trump’s supports will go: “Just look at those free-speech killing Liberals trying to trump Trump. Let’s go home. I really can’t vote for somebody that Liberals don’t like!”

Please stay home! DO NOT go to Philly, (Philadelphia) the City of Brotherly Love, to DISRUPT Trump…

Do not interfere with Trump…LEAVE Trump alone.

Nothing you do will derail Trump. Everything you do may likely STRENGTHEN Trump. In addition, you will make Democrats look bad. Crazy commies! 

Republicans are already HANDING you the election gift-wrapped with a “you’re fired” bow! Why is it so hard for you to be quiet – and silent – and just watch!? Why must you always want to do? WHY? 

I loathe extremes, equally…be they anarchists on the LEFT or Separatists on the RIGHT!

Federal land

Mr. Soros, republicans claim YOU are funding the anti-Trump Protesters. If you really, really want to help…let me count the ways:

• I need a house. Nothing expensive. Just 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, biggish yard, could probably fit on your patio…
• Many of the “protesters” need help with their student/other loans
• Help some families facing foreclosure
• Come to Boston and pay for Summer Camp for inner city kids
• Housing groups desperately NEED funding to help tenants fight off higher rents and displacement due to gentrification
• Help build a pleasant housing complex for the working poor who are being displaced by sky-high rents
• Firefighters need new equipment
• Police need money to run stay-out-of-trouble programs for troubled kids
• Excellent, non-egoistic third-party candidates need funding
• Need I go on?

Rupert Murdoch (glasses) net worth: 12 Billion and George Soros…23 Billion

Far be it for ME to tell those “millionaires and billionaires” on Wall Street whose greed is killing America (are you on Wall Street Mr. Soros?) HOW to spend their money – but we’d all be BETTER SERVED…if you invested in the above…instead of chaos!

No hatin’ in the city of Brotherly Love, bro…

Murdoch's ranch

Murdoch’s ranch in California: $20 milliion

We’d ALSO be better off if Rupert Murdock hadn’t imposed his “outlook” (to put it mildly) on America (via Fox News) and ended up making half the population hate each other. I think Murdock and Fox News (News? ha!) are largely responsible for creating today’s GOP chaos. Let’s not have another millionaire or billionaire starting another trend. Think politics BEFORE Fox…

PS: Any groups want to protest that one person owns so much living space? I will fund those protests…shouldn’t cost more that $20. I can afford that…

Photos: Google images

Black Lives DO NOT Matter

to other blacks, with few exceptions!!! Or to news networks, unless it is to score points…

A shooting every 3 hours…in Chicago, since January 01!!!

About 110 people shot in Chicago so far this year…with 17 killed!

WHERE are the Black Lives Matter protests? Where are you, reporters? Hypocrites…!!!

Do you think that when you make the police impotent, because you get so UPSET that the cops rough up thugs, that THAT will make you safer – or buy you rights? I’d believe you more if you DIDN’T think that ONLY the police need to be held accountable for killing black people! Believe you more if you marched against the thugs in your neighborhood shooting at you – in addition to ONLY marching against police.


Go ahead…keep shouting “Black Lives Matter” whenever police are the ones doing the shooting. Then stay quiet and hide when other blacks do the shooting…especially black thugs!!!

Think about the consequences to your actions? Well guess what?

When you videotape cops and hamper them from doing their work, and stay quiet and refuse to cooperate when thugs shoot up your neighborhood – then cops chill out…and you black protesters get shot by another black person who thinks that your black protester ass “lives” do NOT matter…

Yes, I know. Cops should not shoot unarmed people. Agree.

But cops have to deal with thugs everyday – thugs who often have NO conscience, and if you always want cops to handle thugs with kid gloves, then dream on.

And here’s to peace and security in your ‘hood!

 By the way, are the victims of these thug shootings suing any of these thug shooters for “wrongful death”?

Seems it’s a lot MORE lucrative for parents and loved ones when cops shoot their kids.

I can almost see this scenario:BLM

Child: Ma, kwante got shot. He got shot ma…he’s dead!

Mother: Who shot him?

Child: Jawon. Kwante and Jawon were arguing … and Jawon shot him…

Mother: Damn. You sure it ain’t the cops, boy…

Child: No ma, was Jawon. I saw him…but he didn’t see me…

Mother: Shut up boy. You see nothin’ – know nothin’ … hear me boy!

Yep…black lives matter! A lot!!!