Conlibe: Political Blog for TRUTH in Politics.

Liberal Opinion Blog. Boston, Massachusetts. Political Democrat, Independent. Debunk Republican Lies, Misinformation

Archive for July, 2012

London is the Lord of the Rings…!

Is there anything happening in the world apart from the Olympics…?

Some countries did not understand the opening ceremony – but I did. There was no cultural divide for me – maybe because I grew up in the British Commonwealth, I like history and I studied English literature.

This was an opening ceremony that was not based on pure flash – but some substance – and maybe we’re becoming a world of flash and bang that can no longer appreciate the subtleties of substance?! We’d actually have to think and reach back into history! What history? We know when Princess Diana died – is that not enough history for us?!

Olympics Opening Ceremony: London 2012

And isn’t it refreshing — to take a break from the divisive negativism of politics and watch the queen parachute from an airplane? (I know it was not her, OK.)

Did you see that? When I saw Daniel Craig striding into Buckingham Palace I asked my son, rhetorically of course: “Isn’t that Buckingham Palace?”  (How would HE know what Buckingham Palace looks like inside? It’s not as though he hangs out there…with his buddies Will and Bea.) Still, on one level, my brain is telling me of course it’s prearranged!

Buckingham Palace. Built in 1705. Official home of the British Monarch since Queen Victoria (1837).

Yet, with a place as inaccessible as Buckingham Palace (yes, I know they have tours) I was shocked to see Craig striding so casually, so arrogantly James Bond into the palace…then I saw the two dogs and I’m like – “Oh yes, those are definitely the Queen’s Corgis (not that I’d recognize a Corgi even if it came up and bit me on the you know…er, leg).


She knows you’re there, Mr. Bond…

So Mr. Bond finally meets Her Majesty after years in her loyal service! With that piece of acting I finally hand it to him – you ARE James Bond, Mr. Craig. When he glanced out of the helicopter, we are checking with him as he scans the area for spies and bad guys, (can you hold while I go look at that clip again?) Ooooh, Craig. So ruggedly handsome, those chiseled features. Sigh… 

Isn’t England be-yoo-ti-ful from the air?

By golly, I spent almost a year in London (I have family there) and I just looove London. Seeing it from the air, the landmarks, the Thames – wonderful. And the British countryside – (just all of Europe, really, except wild areas like the Alps) – look so cultivated, so polite, fields so neatly trimmed, everything so stiff upper lip, so under control not even the trees dare misbehave!

British countryside: Even vegetation won’t dare misbehave…

I think The Olympic Games are probably the best TOURISM exposure any country can get. It’s like a showcase for the world with the host country at its best.

I knew my old colonial master would not disappoint in terms of pageantry. That’s the city where every day there’s pageantry to change some guards, for heaven’s sake! Yea, yea…Britain exploited its colonies…and those beautiful buildings were built with our manpower and wealth, but many of us still cling to fond memories of singing, proudly: “God save the Queen” with it’s line “long to reign over us…” and other patriotic songs like: “Rule, Britannia! Rule the waves: Britons never will be slaves”. See the irony? Slaves and descendants of slaves singing that Britain, their colonial master: never, never, never will be slaves — like us, the singers!

Olympic Games Opening ceremony, London 2012: Industrial Revolution

Anyway, Britain has a soft spot in my heart, most of the time – until I dwell on Republicans (but that’s for after the Olympics!).

For now, in my Olympic stupor, I loooved the parts of the Opening Ceremony featuring the transition from the Agrarian society to the Industrial Revolution. I love reading about the early centuries, long before any of the modern conveniences we now take for granted were invented…back when castle floors were covered with rushes.

When the Normans conquered England in 1066 (Battle of Hastings) they solidified their customs like the Feudal System which William the Conqueror used to govern England. Did you know that William built the Tower of London – used French builders ’cause he did not trust the British?

Under the Feudal System (9-15th centuries) there were:

  • Lords – noblemen who held land
  • Vasssals – promised homage and fealty (including military service, Knights) to their Lords who allowed those Vasssals to work the land
  • Fiefs – the land. Became hereditary (to the eldest son) in the 11th and 12th centuries.

From the feudal system through the Middle Ages to the European Renaissance (14-17 centuries) to the Industrial Revolution (1750-1850) it is fascinating to read about the evolution of British society, from women being considered chattel with absolutely NO rights to the election of a British female Prime Minister.

Britain’s first female Prime Minister and longest serving: Margaret Thatcher; 1979-1990

Before women could inherit property, marriage was the retirement plan. Thus Elizabeth Bennet’s mother in Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen) had to ensure her daughters married and married well enough to take care of her and other family members, especially daughters, after the death of the husband/father. The life of kids, especially poor kids, was dismal as we see in Charles Dickens portrayal of child labor (from personal experience) in Victorian England….

Most romance readers are familiar with the Regency era (between the Georgian and Victorian reigns) under Britain’s Prince Regent (later George IV), which romance writers love so much. About this time, the Upper Ten Thousand, the glamorous cream of British Aristocracy and affluence, the “Ton” started factoring LOVE as a prerequisite for marriage.

Prince Regent: future King George IV

Until then, marriage among Britain’s upper classes and the privileged was essentially a business arrangement between families and consenting and sometimes not so-consenting parties!  (The seedier sides of British society: extreme poverty of the lower classes, child labor, prostitution, etc were unacknowledged…yet the poor had more freedom to marry for love!)

I looked at the opening ceremony and saw shades of the England of Charles Dickens and Jane Austen.

The melting ore reminded me of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy by Tolkien and when those Olympic Rings were “forged” I thought: London is the Lord of the Rings…!

London IS the Lord of the Rings…

I shall be watching the games. I love Gymnastics (mostly the women) including Rhythmic, Track & Field, Swimming/Diving. Guess I will have to watch Dressage to see if the Romney’s horse wins! The one he claimed 77-thousand-dollars for as a tax deduction, I guess!

And weren’t those Chinese smart – waving two flags – the Chinese flag and the British flag. Nice Public Relations coup, China…

And thanks NBC – your footage is spectacular!!! What’s with that Comcast marriage – I’m NOT getting XFINITY – to heck with that!!!

Foreign Policy Recipe 101

“If diplomacy were an Olympic sport, Romney would most certainly not be taking home the gold.”

Best line from an article I read about presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s foreign policy boosting experience…to London.

Olympic Flame arriving on the river Thames, London.


(To create Foreign Policy credentials for a green presidential candidate)


Presidential candidates (at least one)

Foreign policy credentials (will need to be created)

Foreign policy hand-outs


Mock debates

Assorted grooming tools

Perfect hair, teeth

Personal money (millions)

Clothing (top of the line)



Deep hole


Private jet. (First class if funds are low)

Major event (Olympic games, a war)

American allies

Huge campaign contributions


Mouth (at least two)

Storm of controversy

Foreign languages (optional)



Public appearances

Diplomatic skills


Consistency of opinion

Positions on issues (at least 2 on everything)

Expression softener

Criticism of other candidate

Book: “Tips On Annihilating The Opposition” by Ree Publican


Hand briefcase of foreign policy handouts to candidate about a month before travel. Keep candidate AWAY from press while he/she brushes up on issues/geography. Brief candidate daily as needed and hold mock debates with candidate weekly, as needed.

Put on ice. Keep candidate frozen, out-of-touch with foreign policy issues. After 6 months, thaw candidate, proceed to instructions below. Dress newly defrosted candidate in top-of-the line designer clothing. Groom candidate to look successful, polished, suave. Hand candidate over to handlers.

Take suave, well-groomed newly de-frosted presidential candidate with no foreign policy experience…and examine closely for flaws. Ensure hair/teeth are perfect. (Candidate may remain looking frozen, but this cannot be helped.)

If you find anything that might potentially damage your candidate, NOW is the time to sweep it under the rug, bury it or pay people off – NEVER, ever admit or confess to anything from this time forward.

Mitt Romney at British Prime Minister’s official residence: 10 Downing Street, London.

Research world situations and decide which country/nations candidate should visit. Carefully choose a foreign country where your candidate will be accepted. (several countries best), preferably U.S. allies, like Britain. Ideally you need a major event like the Olympics or a war, like Afghanistan.

Use candidates large personal fortune or campaign donations to secure a private jet. (Good for privacy –  in case candidate makes an un-presidential, off-color joke, say about poor people or race or gender.) INFORM MEDIA and bundle candidate off to foreign country with much fan-fair.

Land in country. Add interview designed to boost your foreign policy credentials back home. Quote from folder of embarrassing comments (after promising handlers you will NEVER read that folder again!). Speak English as a Foreign Language and use one of your mouths to throw in a couple of doozies denigrating your host country. Stir in storm of controversy then mix in a handful of changing opinions and use your other mouth to retract what you said.

British newspapers blast Romney for his comments that Britain is not ready to host Olympics…

Dust candidate with a bucket of likeability, personality, and diplomatic skill and consistency of opinions. Add a cup of expression softener.

PACK candidate into a box labeled controlling your interviews and public appearances, shove in the freezer and jet off to next location.

Thaw candidate half-hour before landing at next destination. Review positions on issues, decide which one to use in that country.

Repeat above for each country on candidate’s itinerary.

On jet returning to America, read book: “Tips On Annihilating The Opposition” by Ree Publican.

When you get home, criticize opponents for their LACK of foreign policy experience.

Black Shooter: Monster! White shooter: Psychotic!

Aurora, Colorado

Colorado again….

First Columbine (1999) 2 students open fire in their high school killing 12 students and a teacher and injuring 21. Now a 24-year-old gunman opens fire in a crowded movie theater (July 20, 2012), killing 12 and wounding 58.

A search for Aurora, Colorado AFTER July 20 brings THIS.

Now the media is beginning to TRY to paint the 24 year-old gunman as “Psychotic.”

Of course he is Psychotic…the only murderers who:

  • Have NO diminished capacity
  • No psychoses
  • No mental illness
  • No childhood traumas

Are those black kids running around the inner city shooting other kids because the offending kid stepped on the gunmen’s unlaced sneakers. Sound unhinged to you? Of course not!

To me these kids are definitely deranged – with so little regard for human life that they will kill you just for looking at them. But to the media and the rest of society these hopelessly misguided kids are just wicked, UNCARING monsters with NO sense of right and wrong.

How many murders from gun violence this year in Boston?

According to the Boston Police figures, so far this year, as of July 15, 2012, there have been 12 gun homicides in Boston. (For 2011 it was 22.)

Assault Rifle like the one used in Aurora shootings.

This ONE murderer killed 12 IN ONE GO – but we’re (well, NOT we) the media is beginning to paint him as this good kid who suddenly snapped. Of course! He was Jesus’s protégé until Satan managed to wrestle him out of Jesus’ arms! Then when he fell from Grace he bought 6 thousand rounds of ammunition including:

  • 3,000 rounds of .223-caliber ammunition for his AR-15-type Smith and Wesson
  • 3,000 rounds of .40-caliber ammunition for the Glock handguns
  • 300 rounds for the shotgun.
  • He concocted his arsenal
  • He jammed the movie theater exit
  • He used a chemical to demobilize his victims
  • He bobby-trapped his apartment

    Glock Handgun like the one Aurora shooter had in arsenal

  • According to neighbors, Holmes apparently set music on a timer to start and end coinciding with his shooting spree
  • Luckily police did not go to his apartment to ask him to turn down the music, for IF THEY HAD OPENED THAT DOOR
  • EVERYONE in that apartment building, including the police, would have likely been blown to bits and/or be injured
  • AND, most importantly, HE DID NOT KILL HIMSELF, though!

    James Holmes: Aurora, Colorado gunman

I looked up the meaning of Psychotic:

Psychosis has its roots in ancient Greek. (psyche – mind/soul and osis – abnormal condition or derangement.). It means an abnormal condition of the mind and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a “loss of contact with reality.”  This loss of contact with reality usually includes delusions: false beliefs about what is taking place or who one is and hallucinations: Seeing or hearing things that aren’t there.

Aurora, Colorado gunman Mr. James E. Holmes is about as psychotic as a pineapple! But you will get a parade of people who will likely testify that they ate pineapple and it gave them indigestion!!!

Pineapple – psychotic?

And of course some pricey lawyer will INSIST that he’s psychotic unlike the inner city kid who grew up in a dysfunctional home who at age five was watching his mother doped on crack with a parade of Johns coming in day and night.

Said lawyer will come up with instances where Mr. Holmes’ parents were busy working at their high-paying jobs or his girlfriend broke up with him or his studies were overwhelming – poor James!

Of course he is MORE psychotic than the kid who grows up hating the johns who beat his mother or the alcoholic father who beat him, the system who looked the other way or put him in a foster home where he was abused even more…

Of course he’s MORE psychotic that the kid who bottled his rage inside, who knows NO values, who has NO hope…

Of course he is MORE psychotic than the kid who has no fancy lawyer.

We can go into many lives, including mine, and find periods where we were freaking psychotic…

But NEVER have you heard a psychotic defense in an inner city shooting, HAVE YOU? Apparently poor people don’t get psychotic. Nor black people. Not even O.J. Simpson was psychotic!

Urban jungle – “ghetto”. Live HERE, shoot people — you are a monster!

But every darn time it happens from some white enclave, involving some white shooter – the person is always PSYCHOTIC, SUFEERING FROM BIPOLAR DISORDER, MENTALLY USNTABLE!

Yes, indeed…!!!

It’s almost as if when these black shooters shoot – it’s justified by pulling out stereotypes and mental images and concluding: Hey, black, what do you expect…meaning they’re ALL the same. Bad, rotten to the core. No hope there.

But when these white shooters shoot – these same people can’t bear to justify the white shooter is just plain wicked, because it’s a poor reflection on the race — so they prefer to say: He’s psychotic. Meaning, WE ARE NICE, WE ARE NOT LIKE THAT, THIS ONE IS JUST FLAWED!

Aurora Memorial

No, he’s NOT a flawed model. Sometimes he’s just wicked and angry and malicious.If we go back in history we will find many, many such flawed models.

The media, some MORE so than others, immediately started labeling Holmes as “Psychotic and mentally ill” WITHOUT EVEN WAITING FOR A MEDICAL OPINION.  Holmes may well BE psychotic, I’m NOT saying he isn’t. I’m saying the media seem to think that there must only be ONE explanation why an intelligent child of affluent white parents will kill and that is psychoses. Guess everybody in the KKK is psychotic?

If you make excuses for him – do the same for others.

If you find things in his life, background that “excuse” him then find it in others…

Suburban street. Live here, shoot people you are Psychotic! Bi-polar! Mentally ill!

I would suppose many of the people who shoot others in a fit of rage or on the spur of the moment like these misguided inner city kids are as “mentally ill” as this privileged upper middle class kid…

Let’s not forget that! 

Some people are just wicked, PRETENDING  to be psychotic, cold, calculating…and they live EVERYWHERE: Beverly Hills, ghetto, middle-class suburb – everywhere! And they come in all colors too! Whether it’s Uganda’s Id Amin, Cambodia’s Pol Pot or Germany’s HItler!

Ain’t no one race producers monsters – and the other produces psychotics!

Psychotic by any other name, still the same!!!

Monster, cold-bloodied killer, loser, hater, conman, great pretender, whatever…