Conlibe: Political Blog for TRUTH in Politics.

Liberal Opinion Blog. Boston, Massachusetts. Political Democrat, Independent. Debunk Republican Lies, Misinformation

Archive for December, 2016

WHY Dems lost?

Let ME count some ways?

Republicans and I finally AGREE on something!

I CANNOT stand Nancy Pelosi…either, and I’m going to check which representatives from MA voted to keep her as House Minority Leader — and to ask them about it. (Seth Moulton did NOT. Good for him!)

Pelosi does not get it, the other democrats who support her DON’T get it…(well, they get fund-raising to get RE-elected!) and the Clinton circle STILL DOESN’T GET IT!

Why the HELL are they still blaming Trump for losing the election? Isn’t that what he’s supposed to do – make the challenger lose?

They don’t get why Trump won. They’re only looking at false news and negative attacks, Russia, the FBI, etc, everything and anything but them and their poor campaign, their plastic candidate, their negativity, their lack of connection, their manipulation behind the scenes, their lack of counter-punch, their arrogant assumptions…and keep missing the economics, disappointments and frustrations of people’s lives, missing the forest for the trees…while they earn millions and we earn zero…but keep asking you to DONATE, DONATE, CHIP IN.

Chip in – you dumb, insensitive (whatever!) With what…you out-of-touch (whatever)! Why can’t YOU chip in some of your millions? I need my 3-dollars to pay my rent. I don’t own an 11-room, 2-million-dollar mansion in Chappaqua. Donate WHAT?

I did NOTHING to support democrats in this election cycle – and that’s NOT because of Trump. It’s because I’m FED UP with democrats, (starting with President Obama), and their inability to connect with the cares of everyday people like me. I’m frustrated with Democrats because of their laissez-faire attitude to Immigration Reform, blaming Republicans for their failure to act, then pandering at election time with DACA. Trump appealed to HIS BASE. You did NOT! Multiply MY feelings by millions of other disgruntled, frustrated “liberals” who feel like me, for various reasons, and you get why Democrats lost. But don’t tell them, let them blame Trump. It’s easier.

I didn’t support Bernie. But if you ask him why Democrats lost, he will NOT lay the blame on Trump. He doesn’t…

At this point I’m actually thinking of going Republican, if they’d have me…eew!

Who knows, maybe Trump, crazy as it seems, MAY work out better for blacks like me!

Should I care if Trump has white supremacists in his cabinet – if he brings jobs and peace/security to my inner city? Or should I keep supporting no supremacists in the cabinet – and instead live with fear and economic depression?

Did I say I CANNOT STAND NANCY PELOSI? I am NOT a Trump hater. 20 million Americans voted for him. He is different. He is crazy. Hell, I’m giving him a chance. 2 years (midterms?) before I get on his case. I want to SEE what he will do, before I crucify him.

Did I say I cannot stand Nancy Pelosi and most of the current hierarchy in the Democratic Party?

Can someone tell me WHY Donna Brazile felt that Hillary Clinton, a seasoned politician, was NOT capable of answering a question from a CNN reporter? WHY she felt a need to slip Clinton the question on the sly beforehand? I find that morally reprehensible. If a candidate CANNOT answer a SIMPLE question off-the-cuff, then you have NO freaking right wanting to be – or BEING, president!

  • It’s not like the answer determined whether you went before a firing squad. Yes, in a situation where a wrong answer meant death or dismemberment, by all means, go ahead and “save” your candidate…but really? She needed prep to answer a question on the DEATH PENALTY? Why?
  • Did Hillary clinton NOT know that she was going to run for president? Are you telling me that all the while she was Secretary of State, she did NOT know she was running for president and only made THAT decision suddenly, in a great “aha” moment in March 2015? How do you explain her NOT knowing that she should have 2 separate and clearly demarcated servers – one to email daughter Chelsea to ask her to check on Bill – and one to email the State Department and the White House…and to KEEP THEM separate? Why the hell did she NOT know that?
  • I wrote to the president in 2008 begging him to tackle Immigration Reform FIRST. But no, he had to go tackle Health Care Reform, (because his mama had insurance issues) and so, he listened to Rahm Emmanuel (his then Chief of Staff) who thought that immigrants should remain a political football that would never deflate. Obama/democrats disregarded counter arguments. Well congratulations on “Obamacare” that unwieldy monstrosity that democrats sold out to the health care lobby. That was a great help. Helped you lose the mid-term, which meant NO immigration reform which pissed off Hispanics and immigrants and led to apathy. Great help! Helped in 2016 too! 
  • How about Montana Democrat, Max Baucus? HE chaired the Senate Finance Committee and was one of the LEADING architects of Obamacare. According to news reports, Baucus RESISTED including a public option (which would let people choose a government Medicare-like plan, instead of private insurers, and help keep costs down). THAT is understandable, since according to news reports HE, the great and mighty Baucus,  got nearly 2-million dollars from the insurers, hospitals and related groups – WHILE HE WAS SPEARHEADING OBAMACARE! Smelling a swamp? 
  • Do democrats LISTEN to ordinary people who are NOT Harvard’s grads or billionaires or celebrities? I’m no Katy Perry, how can I compete? If I live in the heartland and coal is going out of style and my town is dying, shouldn’t I be glad that I have clean air to breathe – even though I can’t pay my mortgage or feed my family. Ah, all that oxygen filling my stomach! Isn’t the O in O2 really tasty? Hey, the bank will accept the C too, if you tell your loan officer C stands for the Roman Numeral for hundreds!
  • Living in the inner city? For the FIRST week in November, three police/fire/EMS responses to my 14-family section, in one week! Fighting, drug use, trespassing. What a life. I look out my peephole and people are injecting drugs, buying drugs, selling drugs. Yep, I’m raring to donate! Yet I’m being asked to CHIP-IN 3-dollars to make the Boston fund-raising quota. F-you! What have you done for me lately?

Republicans are right – Democrats dice and slice voters. Blacks? Hispanics? Asians? Women? Blue-collar? Dog-lovers! Muslims! Gays! Immigrants! BULLSHIT. People.

Still don’t understand, MS. Pelosi? Fund-raising and MONEY DID not win 2016. Gender did NOT win. Experience did not WIN. Get THE freaking MESSAGE. What the hell are you doing for me, immigrant? What the hell are you doing for me – job loser in company deserting to Mexico or India? What the hell are doing for ME, working poor with two jobs earning minimum wage who still CANNOT afford to rent an apartment in Boston where the median rent is about 3-thousand dollars in many neighborhoods?

After all, earning minimum wage in Massachusetts, working 40 hours a week at $10 an hour is $400 BEFORE TAX. That is 16-hundred dollars a week. Holding TWO minimum wage jobs, working 80 hours a week (if you can), is $32-hundred dollars a month. STILL CANNOT MAKE THE RENT…not counting food, travel, clothing, utilities, etc. But hell, we’ll CHIP IN so you can win and cut deals benefitting your rich friends and cronies!

Guess what: Get lost!

Yes, I said it. F-you, Democrats. How much do you earn in Congress. before factoring in the perks and the bribes and the lobbying trips? The dinners/gifts/favors? The insider deals made IN THE SWAMP, on stocks, etc…

PS:  And Clinton staffers yelling at Kellyanne Conway (Trump’s campaign manager) and trying to vilify HER for your loss…just, in MY eyes…UNDERSCORES how much YOU still don’t GET it – and yes, your bitterness shows. Ha! HA HA!  


In other words? MOVEON.LOST!!!

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