Conlibe: Political Blog for TRUTH in Politics.

Liberal Opinion Blog. Boston, Massachusetts. Political Democrat, Independent. Debunk Republican Lies, Misinformation

Archive for Harvard

Goo-goo Ga-ga Politics: Massachusetts Senate Race.

NEWS HEADLINE in the Massachusetts U.S Senate race for the seat once held by Ted Kennedy, now held by Republican Scott Brown…

BOSTON — Republican U.S. Sen. Scott Brown and Massachusetts Democrats are trading jabs over Brown’s fundraising efforts in New York City and whether Democratic rival Elizabeth Warren should release law school applications and personnel files from her teaching jobs...

Charles River separating Boston (right) and Cambridge. Boston university faces Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) across Charles.

I love Massachusetts. I don’t care WHAT Republicans say about us. They can say God hates us because we’re liberal. Like Jesus was so Conservative. He and John the Baptist were the radical liberals of their day, advocating change (yep), upsetting the status quo (consorting with prostitutes, imagine that!) and threatening the established order. The hypocrital Pharisees (bet they were Republicans) felt threatened, so they decided to assassinate Jesus to get rid of him. But I must be talking about a DIFFERENT Jesus.

Because the Republican’s Jesus was/is? a very Capitalist kind of guy! When Jesus heard his answer, he said, “There is still one thing you haven’t done. Sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Luke 18:22.

Yeah, that’s socialist Obama 1o1!

Prophet Malachi – last book of prophesy regarding the Coming of Jesus, The Messiah.

Malachi 3:5 – I will be a swift witness…against those who oppress the wage earner in his wages, the widow and the orphan, and those who turn aside the alien and do not fear Me, says the LORD of hosts.

But I digress. To get back on point:

Massachusetts has two of the TOP five universities in America and a host of other acclaimed teaching institutions: Harvard, (#1) nestled in beautiful, laid-back Cambridge and nearby MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (#5-Tied with Cal Tech)* sprawling along the Cambridge side of the Charles River separating Cambridge from Boston. Yet in a year when ONE of the Presidential Candidates used to be governor of the state, we in Massachusetts are focusing on goo-goo ga-ga politics!

Incumbent senator, Republican Scott Brown is being challenged by a newcomer to politics, Harvard University professor…Elizabeth Warren.

Instead of focusing on the ISSUES, in a learned or supposedly erudite state like Massachusetts, here’s what we’re hearing about week after week:

  • Elizabeth Warren described herself as a minority on her Harvard employment application. Warren’s great-great-great-grandmother listed herself as Cherokee…making the democrat 1/32 part Native American. Welcome to the family, Elizabeth. Just don’t wear a hoody!
  • Elizabeth Warren’s tax returns…
  • Scott Brown’s tax returns…
  • Elizabeth Warren is elitist…

Elizabeth Warren. Democrat is challenging Scott Brown for Senate seat once held by Ted Kennedy.

Are we out of our liberal, elitist minds?

Republicans being the misogynists they are…are tearing into Elizabeth Warren. Her grades were not good enough to enter Harvard. She had to hide behind minority status to get in, like the rest of us – black people, Hispanics and other so called “minorities” including President Obama. We are just NOT capable of getting high enough grades to be accepted to a university like Harvard – unless we get a leg up from Affirmative Action, because monkeys that we are, all we can understand is a banana which someone must first peel for us! Unlike the learned former President, the orator George Bush, the self characterized “average student” whose average during his first three years at Yale was 77. Now there’s a Mensa candidate…!

I was motivated to write this post by this news report on Boston’s local NBC affiliate WHDH: Mass. Dems file ethics complaint over Brown video

Posted: Today (5/9/2012) at 2:55 pm

BOSTON (AP) — Massachusetts Democrats have filed an ethics complaint over reports that GOP Sen. Scott Brown’s campaign used a video taken by an official Senate aide.

The Massachusetts Democratic Party pointed to a report by The Boston Globe that a video of Brown sinking a half-court basketball shot during a visit to a Hyannis youth center was taken by Brown’s Senate communications director Marcie Kinzel.

Kinzel told the Globe she shot the video on her personal iPhone and forwarded it to the campaign on personal time.

Cute guy! Maybe I should have used a less attractive photo? No, NOT the Cosmo centerfold! Phew…

Brown’s campaign posted it on YouTube and sent out emails to reporters highlighting it.

Massachusetts Democratic Party Chairman John Walsh said Brown violated the law by allowing his official staff to engage in campaign activity on taxpayer time.

Brown campaign spokesman Colin Reed called the complaint “laughable.”

Are we seriously, like – serious?

I’m asking DEMOCRATS, again: Are you serious?

Can’t you let this go? You think there’s a voter who will read this story and go: “Why, that conniving rotten scoundrel, Scott Brown – I’m NOT giving that campaign finance lawbreaker MY vote. NOT after John Edwards!!”

I’m at a loss for words to describe the rock-bottom frenzy over inanities and fluff and crap that we’ve sunk to in discussing a race for a crucial SENATE seat. Republicans got to be laughing at us!

EACH STATE should NOT have to make its own laws governing gay marriage. I think this is nonsense. A gay couple can get married in Massachusetts or the handful of other states like Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont that allow gay marriage. But, if that couple visits a state where gay marriage is NOT legal and one spouse is hospitalized or heaven forbid dies, then the other/surviving spouse has NO rights? Can’t even go see their loved one even though that person may be dying!? That makes no damn sense – but do we poke Scott Brown? No! THAT’S A REAL ISSUE.

A cop in Arizona may be able to stop and question a suspected illegal immigrant, but if the person takes off and crosses the state line to another, more tolerant state, he/she is home free? Where’s the rationale?

We need UNIFIED stances on these issues!

  • Where do Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren stand on Immigration Reform, The Dream Act, Secure Communities?
  • Where do Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren stand on Tax cuts
  • Where do Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren stand on Environmental Protection?
  • Where do Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren stand on Abortion/Women’s rights?
  • Where do Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren stand on reducing Student Loans?
  • Where do Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren stand on Health Care Reform? Will any of them vote to REPEAL Obamacare…which allows Scott Brown to put his 23-year-old daughter Ayla on HIS health insurance? And if so, will they ALSO vote to repeal Romneycare in Massachusetts?
  • Where do Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren stand on Iran? The war in Afghanistan? On new Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem?
  • Where do Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren stand on reducing the deficit?
  • Where do Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren stand on new drilling/green energy sources for the future?
  • Where do Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren stand on education reform?
  • Where do Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren stand on trade with Cuba?
  • Where do Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren stand on dealing with China and trade deficits?
  • Where do Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren stand on crossing the aisle and co-operating in a Congress where the Tea Party thinks compromise is a dirty word?
  • Where do Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren stand on Welfare Reform? Medicaid, Medicare and social Security Reform?
  • What qualities do Warren/Brown think important in a Supreme Court Judge? 

These are ALL issues they are going to have to deal with in Washington. At least, I hope so! So when they get there, HOW ARE THEY GOING TO VOTE? Tell us. Remind us…

I realize none of that, NONE, is as important as the percentage of Cherokee blood running through Elizabeth Warren’s veins and arteries! She manipulated to get into Harvard? We get it. She’ll be right at home at the Capitol where she will be called on to manipulate public sentiment to sanction useless wars…with useless F-22 bombers!

I would be PROUD to have this noble Cherokee as MY ancestor. Back then if the Cherokees had guns – and the Europeans had Tomahawks – scenario TODAY: Cherokees in Congress. Republicans on reservation!

In one news report, we learn of Democrat angst because: “Scott Brown owns six houses (personal and investment properties) and that his trademark barn coat is made not of traditional canvas but higher-end suede, while the green pickup he highlights in his lunch-bucket appeal was bought not for blue-collar purposes but to tow his daughter’s horse trailer!”

Many people who were thinking of voting for Scott Brown, upon hearing this – won’t any more! How about voting for poorer candidates like John Kerry or one of the Kennedy’s?

Bay State Get real. Democrats, wake up! Quickly…or I swear I will start blogging for Republicans!

Going once – going twice…any Republicans interested?

Santorum called Romney the “worst republican” but he “endorsed” Romney. Rudy Guiliani said of Romney: “I’ve never seen a guy change his positions on so many things, so fast, on a dime”. He’s now sharing firehouse pizza with Romney.

So why, oh why, can’t I?

*U.S News World Report rankings/National University Rankings

Photos: Google

Crowley and Gates go to Washington!

Residents of Massachusetts (the state that gave you The Boston Tea Party and the Gates Controversy) apparently wanted to know (well, one of the TV stations thought we wanted to know) if taxpayers are going to be footing the bill for that peace-making junket to DC!.

The Cambridge Police Union is paying for Sgt. James Crowley, his wife and 3 kids plus a union spokesman to travel to DC. As for Gates, Harvard says it doesn’t know who’s paying for the professor. (I think airlines, which absolutely hate having to deal with profiling accusations, have decided that professor Gates can now fly free!)

Phew, what a relief! We’ll never stop paying for the Big Dig. Imaging having to take this on too! Which got me thinking: Is there any waste of taxpayers’ money involving alcohol that I could uncover? So I checked, (Googled it, really) and there it was, in the 2009 Pig Book!

200K for alcohol interdiction for investigating and prosecution of bootlegging crimes as part of a statewide effort to reduce Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, in Juneau, Alaska.
95K for the Santa Barbara, California Summit High School. for educational programming to reduce school risk factors for students recovering from drug and alcohol abuse.
190K Sonoma County Dept. of Health, Santa Rosa, for partnerships with senior service providers for alcohol and drug abuse prevention and education in the senior population.
500K (Half-a-million!) Portable autonomous fluid-less near-infrared non-invasive alcohol testing devices , New Mexico
714K Chiesman Foundation for Democracy, Inc., Rapid City, Sputh Dakota, to establish a Center for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.

So, feeling rather pleased with myself, I checked travel, and this came up:

190K for Florida Campus Compact, Tallahassee, for a project to enhance service learning on campuses throughout Florida, which may include equipment, lodging, and travel
285K St. Bonaventure University, for the Father Mychal Judge program, which may include student scholarships and travel costs for student exchanges and visiting professorships.

So I decided to check Massachusetts, and found that the inquiring TV station’s “Investigative Team” has some work to do:

475K – YWCA Southeastern Massachusetts, New Bedford for rehabilitation of the Levi Standish House and Construction of the Carriage House. Barney Frank
95K – Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, North Adams, for a collection of science materials for K-12 educators and professional development. John Olver
285K – Landscape Connectivity Study for Massachusetts, UMass-Amherst. Olver
952K – RNAJ Research University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester. James McGovern and John Olver.
238K – Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Boston, for facilities and equipment. Michael Capuano.
1M, 189K – Western Massachusetts collaborative wind project. John Olver
143K – Health Care of Southeastern Massachusetts, Brockton, for equipment. John Kerry/Ted Kennedy
250K – Town of Lexington Massachusetts Police Department Town of Lexington. Enhanced School Security Through Technology. Lexington. Edward Markey/Kennedy/Kerry
1M – Massachusetts Marine Fisheries Institute for continued research into the New England scallop fishery, to promote sustainability New Bedford. Frank/Kennedy/Kerry
650K – University of Massachusetts, Amherst Climate System Research Center Amherst. Olver/KennedyKerry
100K – University of Massachusetts, Amherst large Millimeter Telescope Amherst (NASA). Olver/Kennedy/Kerry
190K – Massachusetts 2020 Foundation, Boston, for the continued development of an extended learning time initiative. Kennedy/Kerry
$247* – Massachusetts Technology Collaborative Renewable Energy Economic Development Center, Boston, MA. Kennedy/Kerry
190K – Massachusetts Attorney general for repair of abandoned houses Kennedy/Kerry
95K – University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, North Dartmouth, for the Center for Frank/Kennedy/Kerry
247K – University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Advanced Technical and Manufacturing Center business incubator, Fall River. Kennedy/Kerry
238K – Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Boston, for the continued development of a program to reduce health disparities and infant mortality. Kennedy/Kerry
143K – Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Waltham, for facilities and equipment. Markey/Kerry

How do you like your pork – rare? Well cooked?

*Er, can that TV reporter investigate if the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative Renewable Energy Economic Development Center, in Boston, is getting just 247 dollars…or 247-thousand?

Never mind. I don’t care, do you?

Reactions Stupid, Police/Cosby Smart.

Comedian Bill Cosby seems to be the only intelligent black voice I’ve heard so far about black Harvard professor Louis Gates’ arrest Firestorm in a Teacup.

And President Obama’s overly quick response doesn’t help.

I adore President Obama, but he should have kept mum on this one. He really needs to call another press conference to talk about Health Care, which is more important than Mr. Gates, because race just sidelined reform.

The morning (July 23) after President Obama’s much touted press conference to push Health Care Reform, the stations I listened to here in Boston didn’t lead with Health Care, they all focused on the President’s response to the Gates arrest. Cambridge police did not react stupidly – as Obama and others suggest. One cop may have overreached, but he was provoked.

Many blacks, like me, DON’T think Gates’ arrest was racially motivated.

Some of us just see an angry man, (with an allegedly prickly temperament), who gave the police lip, and got in trouble for it!

Gates claims the cop is one of those disgruntled whites who envy successful blacks. (There are also disgruntled blacks who envy successful whites and blacks). The cop had already decided and accepted that Mr. Gates was indeed who he said he was…professor Louis Gates, Jr., pre-eminent black scholar of national renown; that he WAS NOT breaking in, and DID LIVE in that house.

The cop didn’t accuse Gates of lying, or tell Gates he had NO RIGHT to be in a nice neighborhood like this, or ask Gates why he was pretending to be a Harvard professor. If Gates had reacted intelligently, the cop would have left to look for bona fide black criminals, of which there are many.

Instead, Gates escalated the tension, by accusing the cop of racism.

Gates is sure how the cop, (whom he doesn’t know), would have reacted had he been a white professor, thus stereotyping the cop, whom he’s accusing of stereotyping him! Irony that’s obviously lost on Gates and his friends.

I understand his affront, but we need to let cops do their jobs. The way Gates handled the situation doesn’t reflect well on him. There are channels to handle questionable policing and Gates would look less egoistic if he’d acquiesced and used those channels.

It seems to me that blacks are increasingly banding behind blacks, particularly prominent blacks who do bad things, even if they are clearly wrong. I understand the instinct to protect our brothers and sisters, (especially against a background where we see others get away lightly on similar charges) but shouldn’t we also admit to the truth?

What message are we sending when we defend murderers, child molesters, adulterers, rappers who denigrate women and brag about killing cops, and thugs who plunder the innocent, in the name of racial justice?

Because there are white extremists, should we also promote black extremism?

It’s time we step up to the plate and say: My brother, I love you. I understand where you are coming from, but you are wrong, my brother, wrong!

And it’s time for whites to stop being afraid of speaking up; afraid that if they say what they really feel, they’ll be branded racist. Racists hate other races just because they are different.

Intelligent white people hate some of the things that black people do; they don’t necessarily hate black people. Just as intelligent blacks know the people we meet at work and on the subway are not responsible for slavery or Hitler’s ideology, and we are all just struggling to get along.

Until then, we will see a parade of rhetoric without reform.

And so I salute Bill Cosby, for inserting some reason into the debate.

According to an article by the Christian Science Monitor, Cosby initially suggested on a Boston radio station (July 23) that President Obama spoke too soon on Gates’ controversial arrest. He later did some backpedalling, but told a Boston TV station: “People who have not been there, people who don’t know are beginning to have their own personal feelings, but they weren’t there.”

The reporter asked: “Does this include the president?”

Cosby said “It includes everybody…(but) I would have to take into consideration that he lived in Cambridge for some time so he may know more than he’s saying about situations of that sort.”

I love you, Bill.

We can and should question a black president, just as we would and should a white or green president.

By the way, did any white people vote for any of the members of the Congressional Black Caucus? Seems whites should withhold their votes…and teach these (insert your own word) an essential lesson in racism.