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Archive for Iran

No Room At The Inn…for Gaddafi!

We are coming across as such an angry nation…populated with petulant, uncivil people.

We look at demonstrators in other places burning flags and chanting anti-American slogans, and we don’t even understand WHY. Perhaps we don’t need to, because NOW, we’re beginning to act just like them.

Democracy means you don’t need to agree with or like a person to ensure that that person’s rights are upheld. It’s hard. But that’s the strength of Democracy!

Two heads of state, who are here to attend the U.N. General Assembly meeting, are being denied a place to stay or hold their events.

These two leaders are our guests. This is where the U.N. building is. If you don’t want them to come here, throw the U.N. Headquarters out of America – or arrange to change those leaders!

Until then, whenever they come to the U.N. where they have a right to be by agreement, they need to be treated as guests. They are heads of state…even though you may NOT like their head…or their state!

How would we/you feel if our leaders go overseas and can’t find a place to stay – or hold an event? Come on America, I expect better from you.

Should these countries change their leaders just because WE don’t like them?

Yes, you can protest when they come to town. That’s your right. But come on!

What did you achieve? You vented and you felt good – now what? You just dissed and angered millions of people who support and love their leaders, whether you think they’re vile or not!

Wouldn’t it have been better to treat them with civility and show the world that Americans are different, forgiving, respectful, nice…?

Did we not marvel at the Amish after than horrific shooting in Pennsylvania’s Lancaster County (2006)? That community lost five kids, but they embraced the family of the shooter.

That was big news – to us – because we would NOT have been so forgiving. Being the good Christians we are, we’d have been out there agitating to get the family thrown out of their home and probably lynched, too! The Amish lesson did not last long!

We embrace anger and vengence. We must always be reading testimonials in court about our grief and anger over the murder of a loved one. We must call the murderer a thug, an animal, a monster who should rot in jail or hell…

And we are supposed to be so religious, such a Jesus-loving nation! But we don’t act religious, unless we’re ranting against abortion or gays! That’s where our religion comes in!

Leaders who come here to the U.N. can at least get a place to stay and somewhere to meet up with their friends. That is courtesy, America. It’s not love.

Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi thought he could stay at The Pierre Hotel on Fifth Avenue, but it had a change of heart when other guests paying large amounts for their rooms apparently didn’t want him there.

Iranian President President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad found a hotel to stay.

But two New York events halls rejected the Iranian U.N. delegation’s reservations for a hall to hold a banquet for Ahmadinejad on Friday (Sept. 25, 2009). The Helmsley Hotel and Gotham Hall also turned down the Iranians, saying the venue refused to be a platform for propaganda.

Could they not come up with a better reason, at least? Propaganda? If they’re anti-propaganda, there’s a whole host of companies they should not deal with, including some that run unauthorized tests on poor children overseas!

However, the Iranians did find a venue to hold their banquet at Essex House Hotel. But the hotel came under intense pressure to cancel the reservation…and they did!

Former Ambassador Mark Wallace (coached Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin for interviews and debates) heads the organization United Against Nuclear Iran. He’s spearheading U.S. boycott efforts against Iran and wants Essex House to cancel the event.

Wallace wrote to the general manager of the Essex House, calling on them to: clarify and reconsider its decision to host the banquet and address and instead decline to provide such a venue for President Ahmadinejad

By doing business with the Iranian government the Essex House is accepting blood money from a regime that brutally suppresses its own people and that is a danger to global security”.

Really? Iran is a danger to global security. Unlike Say Russia or China, neither of which suppresses its people…or has an army…or nuclear weapons!? You really think Iran is more of a threat to the U.S. than Russia?

Will you be out there demanding that Putin or Russian President Dmitry Medvedev be thrown out of Camp David? Did you see him sitting next to President Obama…smiling…at us? We are such fools!

(By the way, who got together and decided that only some nations can have nuclear weapons, but others can’t?)

Shouldn’t we simply be making sure that our weapons work, so that if anybody was foolish enough to try something we’d annihilate them?

Wouldn’t the world be a better place if most countries just minded their own business?

We’ve been in bed with many thugs in Haiti, Latin America, Africa, Europe and Asia. We’ve traded, colluded and raises our glasses with leaders who were dictators and murderers…because it suited us!

In our backyard, Rafael Trujillo, Dominican Republic. His tyranny is considered one of the bloodiest of the 20th century. He attacked the Haitian border and killed (an estimated 20-30 thousand) fleeing Haitians. But he was anti-communist and anti-Castro, so we looked the other way.

Haiti, not to be outdone, came up with François “Papa Doc” Duvalier – the one who made himself President for Life. Duvalier had his own private militia known as Tonton Macoutes.

it’s estimated that he, too, killed some 30-thousand Haitians. They braved the Atlantic in rickety boats to escape Tyranny. But Duvalier, too, was anti-communist and anti-Castro, so we looked the other way.

You get the picture – I don’t need to talk about Saddam Hussein or the Congo’s Mobutu Sésé Seko…and the many others!

I guess there was no reason to protest because these dictators were killing their people…and other groups they did not like – they were NOT killing Americans.

I’m NOT blaming America, though. Countries do what countries need to do. I just want us to understand that this also applies to other nations too!

This world will never have peace…long as us humans live in it! Or at least, long as we continue with our hypocrisy – on race, on trade, on politics, on sex, on everything!

A tale of Two Women

TWO WOMEN made national news this week.

Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and ex-Alaska republican governor Sarah Palin.

Let’s compare what they said, where they were and what they’ve been up to since the last election…in their own words!

HILARY CLINTON: Travels around the globe pushing President Obama’s foreign policy goals. Just returned from: Asia, where she attended a meeting of leaders from ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Appeared on: NBC’s Meet The Press Sunday. Talked about a range of issues.

Kicked North Korea’s butt. “their behavior is not going to be rewarded. In the past they believe that they have acted out, done things which really went against the norms of the international community and somehow then were rewarded. Those days are over”.

Working to release American journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee, being held in N. Korea: America is “certainly pursuing every lead we have. The messages that we’ve received from the young women both through our protecting power, the Swedish ambassador, and through the messages and phone calls they’ve had with their families are that they’re being treated well, that they have been given the supplies that they need“.

On a Nuclear Umbrella in Middle East: “if the United States extends a defense umbrella over the region, if we do even more to support the military capacity of those in the Gulf, it’s unlikely that Iran will be any stronger or safer, because they won’t be able to intimidate and dominate as they apparently believe they can once they have a nuclear weapon…We believe as a matter of policy it is unacceptable for Iran to have nuclear weapons.”

Championed Healthcare: “the chances that businesses will continue to pay for insurance over the next five, 10, 15 years are diminishing. I think, if I remember correctly, in ’93 and ’94, 61 percent of small businesses provided some kind of health insurance for their employees. It’s down to 38 percent.”

Running for president: “It is daunting. And it is, you know, probably a path that doesn’t appeal to a lot of women even in elective office, because it is so difficult. But I am convinced–and I don’t know if she’s in elective office right now or if she’s preparing to run for office–but there is a woman who I am hoping will be able to achieve that”.


SARAH PALIN: Has visited some states to Speak and Campaign for Republicans. Just returned from: Wasilla. Appeared in: Fairbanks, Alaska. Talked about a range of issues.

Kicked media butt. “some in the media because another right protected for all of us is freedom of the press, and you all have such important jobs reporting facts and informing the electorate, and exerting power to influence. You represent what could and should be a respected honest profession that could and should be the cornerstone of our democracy. Democracy depends on you, and that is why, that’s why our troops are willing to die for you. So, how ’bout in honor of the American soldier, ya quit makin’ things up”.

Working to ensure Holywood doesn’t hijack Alaskan way of life: “got to stiffen your spine to do what’s right for Alaska when the pressure mounts, because you’re going to see anti-hunting, anti-second amendment circuses from Hollywood…they use these delicate, tiny, very talented celebrity starlets, they use Alaska as a fundraising tool for their anti-second amendment causes. Stand strong…and by the way, Hollywood needs to know, we eat, therefore we hunt.”

 Touted accomplishments in office, including Ethics Reform: “We promised it, and now it is the law. Ironically, it needs additional reform to stop blatant abuse from partisan operatives, and I hope the lawmakers will continue that reform“.

And Alaskan ruggedness: “remember we sported the old bumper sticker that said, “Alaska. We Don’t Give a Darn How They Do It Outside?” Do you remember that? I remember that, and remember it was because we would be different”. Why she’s leaving Office? For Alaska! “It is because I love Alaska this much…that I feel it is my duty to avoid the unproductive, typical, politics as usual, lame duck session in one’s last year in office. How does that benefit you? No, with this decision now, I will be able to fight even harder for you, for what is right, for truth. And I have never felt like you need a title to do that“.