Conlibe: Political Blog for TRUTH in Politics.

Liberal Opinion Blog. Boston, Massachusetts. Political Democrat, Independent. Debunk Republican Lies, Misinformation

Archive for Trump inauguration

Smart Voting


ARIZONA VOTES (Trump only) VOTES (Clinton, Johnson, Stein)
Clinton   936,250
Johnson     80,151
Stein      25,255
TOTALS: 1,021,154 1,041,656
FLORIDA 4,605,515
Clinton 4,485,745
Johnson     206,007
Stein       64,019
TOTALS: 4,605,515 4,755,771
Trump 2,279,805
Clinton 2,268,193
Johnson      173,057
Stein        50,700
TOTALS: 2,279,805 2,491,950
PENNSYLVANIA  2,912,941  
Clinton 2,844,705
Johnson     142,653
Stein       48,912
TOTALS: 2,912,941 3,036,270
Trump 1,403,694
Clinton 1,308,823
Johnson    106,367
Stein       30,934
TOTALS: 1,403,694 1,446,124

Transcript of text messages with left-winger who went to Washington D.C. to “protest” Trump’s inauguration…

ME (Boston): (Stirring the pot) – Happy Inauguration Day!text

HE: Worst day in US history. Here in D.C. with appropriate banner. See you tomorrow at Women’s March in Boston! Trying hard not to throw up

ME: Nope. Not marching against Trump. Wish him well and cutting him some slack until he screws up. Don’t share those sentiments. Dems sore losers

HE:  Already has screwed up. BTW on Monday he is proposing 10 trillion in budget cuts over next decade, twice Ryan budget cuts. I’m not a sore loser, don’t get mad, get even! I don’t wish him well…

ME: Childish tantrum! Boo hoo!

HE: Adult patriotism. Why do you identify with this jerk?

ME: Because I like some of what he stands for, and I hope he can turn some things around and because I don’t believe government is the answer … and because I don’t allow others to think for me – right or wrong!!! I’m surrounded by jerks! What’s one more?


…I was playing with his head a bit – pulling his strings. But I DO support the demonstrations (I don’t call them protests)…happening today (1/21/2017) in Boston, in the nation’s Capitol, in other U.S. cities and worldwide. I strongly support people marching peacefully (and in justified cases like the Civil Rights marches, more forcefully) to push for their rights…with respect and civility and a point/message.

What I DON’T support are those anarchists who took to the streets of Washington D.C on Inauguration Day, attacking police, burning cars and trashing people’s property. I don’t support tactics that instead of advancing a cause, push it backward. 

But YES, I’m pleased to see the HUGE turnout for the Women’s March the day after Trump’s inauguration. But it’s not enough to just put on a pink hat, walk around a couple blocks with a placard then go home and on election day tell yourself:

  • Well, I’m just too tired to go and vote
  • There will be a large turnout so if I don’t vote, it does not matter
  • My vote doesn’t count
  • I don’t like the candidate
  • I’ll have time, I’ll go later…I’ll go tomorrow, I’ll go next week!

Women’s March – Washington DC

Then, when a million other people don’t vote, because every single ONE of these people was thinking the VERY same things above, like you who did not vote for Clinton…all depending on someone else to carry the burden for you OR leaving that voting booth feeling sanctimonious for taking a political high road…we then turn out and “protest”! Yet when you had the opportunity to PREVENT all this, YOU DIDN’T.

This table I did above (hope my math is sound) shows what would have happened IF people had voted for Clinton instead of Gary Johnson and Jill Stein. Did these voters really believe that Gary Johnson (aka Mr. Aleppo, in my mind) and Jill Stein (remember “Jill not Hill”?) were better candidates than Hillary Clinton? Did they really believe that Jill Stein would win! Are you OUT of your minds? Now you’re protesting. So not impressed!!!


Women’s March – Australia/New Zealand

In my table alone, about A-MILLION people voted for Stein and Johnson. So let this BE a learning election. EVERY VOTE COUNTS and a “protest” vote is a vote FOR the opposition. The ONLY republican “protest” was in Utah where 207-thousand people voted for another republican, Mormon Evan McMullin, instead of Trump.

So hopefully, those people now in the streets who DID NOT vote, or voted Stein or Johnson or blank — WILL vote STRATEGICALLY in future elections and leave their petulant hurt feelings at home in November 2018 and beyond. Because when you SULK and DON’T VOTE for the Party candidate you did not want…you end up with a President and ruling party you also don’t want! (Although, Trump could do so well that everyone will vote for him! Who knows.)

And remember — NOT voting also means that your party loses:

  • Governors
  • Senators
  • Representatives
  • Other officials


Local results affect our lives in areas closer to home. Trump wasn’t the candidate the GOP establishment wanted. He wasn’t the candidate rank and file republicans wanted. But they rallied around him…while we were asking: “How can they embrace Trump with all the revelations about his treatment of women (alleged), his refusal to release his taxes, the things he said”, etc.

How? Because OF THE SUPREME COURT! They were smarter! FUTURISTIC!

While Democrats were nursing their fragile, HURT feelings, Republicans held their nose and voted FOR Trump, because they were looking ahead and Democrats and other Liberals were IN THE MOMENT, undergoing therapy. GROW UP! No wonder Republicans think we are sissies! We probably are, too!

Laters! vote

Hail to the Chief!

This black immigrant female is watching the Trump Inauguration (01/20/2017). I started watching yesterday. I love the pageantry, the orchestration, the gravitas, the peaceful transition of power.

New First lady Melania Trump is looking wow as she makes her way to the church service. When I saw her step out of Blair House, with her pale blue? outfit and the gloves I thought Jackie Kennedy. (CNN now saying she’s wearing Ralph Lauren). I’ve heard several commentators also use the Jackie comparison.


Wives hugging – husbands not!

So some Democrats are boycotting the Inauguration. I don’t support that.

Democrats need to put their fake outrage aside and REPRESENT the nation. The “protesting” donkeys need to remember they’re not only representing their districts, they’re representing the entire nation, because without them there is NO Congress. Their actions don’t just reflect on THEIR districts; their senate confirmations don’t have consequences for just THEIR districts; their actions have consequences for the ENTIRE nation.

I hope they will feel the same when the next Democrat takes over and a group of Republicans boycott too. Guess what, they’re politicians, and so they will be screaming blue murder (whatever that means), hypocritically come up with fake reasons why THEY are now justified because it is SUCH a different situation, and be totally OUTRAGED at the way these Republicans are eroding the nation’s democracy by daring, yes DARING, to challenge the legitimacy of “their” President…like Republicans did to President Obama!


Really? Grow up! 

Obviously there are NO Trump supporters in the districts these Democrats represent. They want and call for a unified nation, while alienating Trump supporters and other republicans in their districts! To me, these Democrats are grand-standing and posturing for the next vote count.

I don’t care how much they preach “principle”. Principle my — thumb?

  • They’re upset Hillary Clinton lost.
  • They think Russia helped Trump Win.
  • They’re upset a Republican won an election they should have easily won.
  • They’re upset at themselves, but can’t express that.
  • They’re peeved things did not go their way.

And to all this I say: Grow up!  Morons. She lost, Trump won, HE’s the PRESIDENT. Boo Hoo!

Clinton Lost: because of HER. She ran a campaign that was lacking. SHE was lacking as a candidate. Bernie Sanders told you! YOU didn’t listen. NOW you want to protest! Blacks did not warm towards Clinton. Women did not warm towards her – imagine that! Women listened the FIRST female to secure either major party’s nomination for President, a former First Lady and former Secretary of State, a  professional, world-class high profile well-educated leader … then they listened to Donald Trump and heard about his alleged mistreatment of women, his thoughts about women, his infidelities, his many marriages, and STILL VOTED FOR TRUMP. They choose Trump.


Former President Bill Clinton and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. 

Democrats think that these foolish American women could not process any of this information about Trump — so when the Russian leader phoned personally asking these befuddled, undecided women to:  “Vote for Trump” — THAT just cinched the deal!

Ironically Mrs. Clinton attended the Inauguration and the luncheon! Kudos to her. She did not have to attend. Yes she was the MOST justified to SKIP, given some of the things Trump said about HER and her family. But good for her, stiff upper lip and all…she came, and I applaud her for it, and thank her too! Good reflection on her, her husband and Democrats – as opposed to those fools now taunting police, setting garbage cans on fire and thrashing buildings! Very gracious, appropriate and conciliatory move by Trump to recognize Hillary Clinton at the luncheon too! 


Oh no! THAT will stop President Trump from coming to work Monday!!!

Russia helped Trump Win: May have helped solidify her negatives, but the MEDIA helped do that the MOST. Are they also boycotting the media? NO! Trump’s supporters were just MORE loyal or loyal-er! Like Trump said: he could shoot someone in the middle of the street and his supporters would still support him. He was right. He gauged his supporters correctly. Clinton did NOT have that kind of LOYALTY from her rank and file supporters. Yes, she had a CORE of loyal supporters, but not at Trump’s level!

The whites in middle America who lost their jobs, voters watching their kids/loved ones overdose on heroin and Meth, voters watching their state over-run with immigrants (from THEIR point of view), voters seeing their slice of the pie being eroded…and who voted for Trump. Russia did not so that.

Russia did not make Clinton, who should have know better, use a PRIVATE server (or maybe they did!). Maybe the grand Russian plan started years ago when Mrs. Clinton became Secretary of State and they planted an advisor who URGED her to use a private server.


And maybe the Russians urged Wall Street to invite Mrs. Clinton to speak and ensured the banks paid her astronomical fees so that it would come back to haunt her later?

Those Russians are wily! Many adjectives available to describe politicians who fall for those wily Russian ploys!

How do you describe politicians who avoid the press, because the Russians told them to do so? … OR changed their positions on things because the Russians made them misspeak? or fake apologize because the Russians told them NOT to apologize sincerely?

Democrats are upset and peeved Republicans won: They should be upset at THEMSELVES for rigging things so Clinton could win the nomination even when many predicted that she was a flawed candidate AND “The Establishment” did not listen.

The Dems automatically assumed that disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporters would embrace their candidate…The Berns did not. Dems automatically assumed that blacks would turn out in droves in an anti-Trump backlash – blacks did not.



Disgruntled democrats should remember that Clinton’s NEGATIVES among women and white males were LOW long before Russia appeared on the scene.

So I say: Let Trump have his day. And maybe Democrats will live to see another day that goes their way!

By the way: Where is Chris Christie?

Finally THINK on this: Know how republicans are always claiming that ineligible people vote in U.S elections! Well, they’re right! Because an intelligent (not intelligence) source told me that: Mrs. Clinton would have lost more states…if so many Russians who dislike Vladimir Putin (the Russian leader) had not voted FOR Hillary. I will leak that to Buzzfeed!

Photos: Google images and internet stories.