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Archive for eminent domain

RO_bio Quixote

Marco Rubio (RO_bio) has been regurgitating the same digested talking point…for EVERY debate…


and over

and over

and over

and over
and over… robio
How is it that the “media” is only NOW picking up on Rubio’s repeated “talking points”? Have you checked ALL his ads – every single one of them? Or noticed how he flounders…without his “mental cue cards”?
I call him the plastic candidate, he’s so fake. He’s a younger Mitt Romney! Rubio’s full of air…and not even hot air, because THAT rises. How the hell can the GOP “establishment” prefer Rubio to a John Kasich?
Rubio was one of the PRIME orchestrators of the Gang of 8 Immigration Bill (which I support, so I praised him for it) BUT as soon as he thought of running for President, he waddled away from his OWN bill, and THAT turned me off him!
He cannot speak outside of his talking points. The New Hampshire debate (02/06/2016)  was cringeworthy.
 I NO LONGER like Rubio, I detest Ted Cruz, I tolerate Donald Trump. Jeb Bush is a surprising washout who needs mummy to pull the crowds (nothing wrong with inviting loved ones, I suppose, unless you are Bill Clinton), Chris Christie is a bare-knuckle dirty fighter and Ben Carson, to me is a clown AND a black (I’m black) traitor to even BE a republican!
Kasich appears to be the only sane one.
I’m glad people are beginning to notice.
And on the democrat side (that’s me), can’t wait to see Bernie (Sanders) win and give Wall Street it’s “dressing down” (to a mere cul-de-sac) with help from the Republican-controlled Congress…and the other 50-percent of Democrats who don’t support his agenda!
Wall Street, er, Congress…here I come! Republicans are already making their street signs. NO Passing! Yield! One Way! Obstruction Ahead!
PS to JEB: Hey Bush…I’m not a Trump supporter, but Trump IS right…and didn’t you know?: the Keystone pipeline* IS a PRIVATE concern FOR WHICH YOU SUPPORT eminent domain, by default…since you support the pipeline…and people’s property will be seized/forfeited/taken for this pipeline – or is it all being built on “government” land?!
* The project was originally developed as a partnership between TransCanada Corporation and ConocoPhillips, TransCanada is now the sole owner of the Keystone Pipeline System, as TransCanada received regulatory approval on August 12, 2009 to purchase ConocoPhillips’ interest. (wikipedia).
Learn Bush, listen and learn. Trump may not know about Middle East strategy, (like bombing Iraq and starting a war based on non-existent (“weapons of mass destruction”) but he apparently does know his capitalism!
Bush Trump
All photos from Google images!