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Archive for Cristal champagne

Get OUT of the Middle East, America!

Are you prepared for more Middle East turmoil? Well get ready.



If Israeli hardliners vote for Benjamin Netanyahu (again), on his “One State” mandate then get ready for more: MORE bombings, MORE beheadings, MORE executions, MORE chaos, MORE despair, MORE nightmares, MORE fear, MORE uncertainty!

And for MORE American intransigence — with MORE European dis-involvement and MORE world-wide disenchantment!

I was in Washington DC when Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu decided to storm America’s Bastille: the U.S. Capitol.

 Amid super, super-tight security, I’m annoyed that I can’t cut across the Capitol grounds to get to the House Buildings. But I’m really, really outraged that Republicans invite/allow a foreign government to enter their Congress and DICTATE to the American people AND the American government – how America should conduct its foreign policy.

netanyahu house

State of this War Union is VERY strong!

Do you see any other government allowing the U.S. president to address their parliament and TELL them, nay DICTATE to them HOW to run their government? I can’t see it happening. Yet Republicans allowed it because they are:

So blinded by partisan politics, so consumed by their dislike of President Obama, so enthralled with the profits they and their cronies stand to gain from the monetary profits of war, so misguided by their imaginings of the resulting Shangri La from bombing Iran, so enraptured by their Biblical perceptions of Israel as David (forgetting that a nuclear arsenal is NOT a slingshot) – that they not only LET it happen, they orchestrated, embraced and encouraged that protocol faux-pas!

 What a misguided precedent for this country!

If Republicans wanted Netanyahu to make his point, it needed to be made before the United Nations. That’s where you go to grandstand and try to influence world politics in your favor. You do NOT breach the parliament of a sovereign nation with your hard-line, extreme right morass of more war and mayhem that will only DRAG America deeper into terrorism and wasteful spending.

Why again must we bomb Iran? To do what bombing Iraq was supposed to do? Bring about world peace? Well we have so much peace now I guess we have room to start another teeny war with another Middle East oil producer – to keep our troops from getting bored.

Except Iran is NOT Iraq.

Iran is a more sophisticated, educated and literate populace. And while many Iranians may not like their hard-line regime, they will hate U.S. bombings even more!

iran nuclear2

Well, you and I understand that – but not one Republican among the Netanyahu war faction will subscribe to that theory. To them, Americans will be seen as the Great Deliverer and the Iranian government will roll over and play dead. Iran will never think of unleashing a barrage of state-sponsored terrorism against the U. S. Why on earth would they? If Mexico or Canada decided to bomb Yucca Mountain, would you not be well pleased?

No American would see any such bombing of U.S facilities as a threat and retaliate in any way – neither would the U.S. government. See? The Republican point of view makes a lot of sense! But then again, Mexico and Canada are too close by – how about India bombing us because India feels threatened by our cows! 

methane cow

Cows are not a good example because cows do not threaten the world? I say they do, with methane gas and global warning, etc…BUT, assuming you are a Republican who does NOT believe in Global Warming (especially given the 7+ feet  of snow we got in Boston, Winter 2015 – which just goes to prove, Republicans claim, that we are facing Global Cooling, NOT warming) I say how about if China bombed the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California because China sees the lab as a threat?

What would you do? What would America do?

Nothing, of course – and that is exactly what Iran will do too, if we are smart enough to bomb their nuclear facilities!

The idea, that only the Americans, the French, the British and a handful of nations are the ONLY ones who are bright enough, intelligent enough, dependable enough, SANE enough to have nuclear weapons is the height of arrogance. Nobody should have nuclear weapons – and yes I’d feel safer if more nations did NOT have nuclear weapons – but who are we to punish them for something that we are flaunting with impunity?

Middle East

Middle East map

America needs to get out of the Middle East and let the chips fall where they may. Where is Kuwait, which America rushed to help in the name of crude and which was instrumental in oiling this slippery slope we’re now slip-sliding on? Where is Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar? They and their over-indulged kids are yachting in Cannes dressed in haute couture, driving exotic, one-of-a-kind sports cars and guzzling Cristal champagne – while American kids, sons, daughters, brothers, husbands and wives are being slaughtered, blown up and executed in a costly no-win, no-reason-we-are-still-there enemy-generating war!

AMERICANS WAKE UP – because Republicans never will!!!

These myopic, clueless politicians play their games – and other people (who may not even agree with their questionable positions) get beheaded!


Photos: Google images