Conlibe: Political Blog for TRUTH in Politics.

Liberal Opinion Blog. Boston, Massachusetts. Political Democrat, Independent. Debunk Republican Lies, Misinformation

Archive for August 23, 2013

Republican: American Workers are Dope Addicts

Have you heard?

One Republican congressman, Rep. Dave Joyce (R-Ohio) says – quote:

Rep Joyce

David Joyce: Represents Ohio’s 14th congressional district

According to an online news story, Joyce says that’s because “they either can’t find people to come to work sober, daily, drug-free and want to learn the necessary skills going forward to be able to do those jobs.”

OMG!!! Illegal immigrants have SO much to answer for!

Businesses CANNOT find 3 MILLION people to HIRE? WHERE, oh where are the illegal immigrants hiding?

Why? Because as Republicans claim, Illegal Immigrants are taking ALL the jobs from American workers – and now you’re telling me…


American workers – forget it. Don’t want dope addicts like you on the job!

NO, wait – a REPUBLICAN is telling me…

Rep. Dave Joyce (R-Ohio) is TELLING America that there are JOBS that Americans CANNOT fill (for whatever reason) but according to HIM: “because they either can’t find people to come to work sober, daily, drug-free and want to learn the necessary skills going forward to be able to do those jobs”…

Said the night wind, I mean…unbelieving immigrant…to the little lamb…er, republican senator… “Do you hear what I hear…?”

Rep Joyce – HAVE YOU BEEN LYING TO US all this time – when you and your GOP colleagues BLAMED illegal immigrants for “taking” American jobs…decimating the middle class…?


NOT doped out – you won’t! Hey, according to Joyce (not me!)

Don’t know WHERE he gets his facts from…but…

OH dear, dear me!

And the Truth shall set Illegal Immigrants free…

Hey, John Boehner, apparently the two of you come from a different Ohio – (he’s probably from Ohio, Canada a la Ted Cruz maybe?) No, I don’t mean Ontario! Ohio, Canada or Ohio, Hawaii…


King – Calls Hispanics kids: drug mules…

Republicans have about insulted every ethnic/minority that they can:

Poor black people, poor white people, homosexuals, blacks, Jews, Hispanics – especially Hispanics, women, single mothers, Asians, the tax-dodging 48%, immigrants…you name it.

Joyce’s fellow Republican Steve King calls Hispanic immigrants: drug mules

Now Joyce finds an end point for these drugs…

Next week, another Republican will disclose who are the drug kinpins raking in the money.  Can’t wait…


Next target to insult Angels!

Yep. Watch Republicans go after Angels for lazing about in Heaven ALL day while allowing us sinners to run amok on Earth…!!!

(Using Angles as a metaphor only!)

Photos: Google Images